Ultralight Master Cams are for general all around free climbing with small to medium crack sizes. Range 0.34" to 1.89"
Ultralight TCUs are for narrow, tricky, hard to protect thin cracks. Range 0.34" to 1.32"
Ultralight Power Cams are for mid range crack sizes or for splitter cracks in desert sandstone, granite or columnar basalt. Range 0.34" to 2.81"
Supercams are for medium to large sized cracks where extended range is an advantage. Range 1.65" to 4.67"
Ultralight Offset Master Cams and Ultralight Offset TCU are for aid climbing, pin scars, flares or irregular cracks with a lot of inward or outward flaring. Ultralight Offset TCU range 0.34" to 1.19"
Ultralight Fat Cams The world's only soft-rock specific cam unit!
2025 Metolius Climbing